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Green Products

What Is "Green"?

At Grand & Toy, we use the definitions of green products developed by our parent company, Office Depot.

These definitions are a result of a stakeholder consultation process and are continuously refined to keep up with changing technology and our understanding of environmental concerns.

The products defined as “green” had one or more of the following broad environmental benefits relative to other products in their category:

  • Reduced Waste
  • Reduced Energy Use
  • Reduced Chemical Use

Grand & Toy believes that there are "shades of green" and products could be considered light green, mid green, or dark green depending on their environmental benefits.


Light Green

For products with at least one meaningful green attribute/ecolabel.

Mid Green

For products with a high level of one or more meaningful green attributes/ecolabels.

Dark Green

For products with the highest level of one or more meaningful green attributes/ecolabels.

To learn more, view our Defining Shades Of Green chart.


Why Go Green?

Learn about how going green can benefit your bottom line.

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Sample Greener Purchasing Policies

Examples for Office & Cleaning Supplies.

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Go Green

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Green Attributes

Products classified as green must possess at least one of the following environmental attributes. These icons indicate which environmentally friendly attributes the products possess.

Save Resources/Avoid Waste

Recycled – contains post-consumer and/or post-industrial recycled materials

Remanufactured – made from quality components of previously used products

Recycling Solutions – designed to make recycling simple and convenient

Designed For Recyclability – easily disassembled by you after use

Helps Avoid Waste – reduces or eliminates material waste and/or chemical use

Leadership Forestry – made with fibre from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests or sourcing programs

Responsible Agriculture – source from farms that meet specific leadership standards

Plant-Based/Biobased Materials – made using tree-free agricultural products or by-products

Compostable – made from materials that can quickly break down into organic matter (within commercial composting facilities)

Refills/Refillables – designed for continued use, helping avoid single-use disposables

Reusables And Avoid Disposables – designed to be used repeatedly, helping avoid single-use disposables

Rechargeable And Avoid Disposable – designed to be used repeatedly, helping avoid single-use disposables

Save Energy Avoid Emissions

Energy Efficient/Helps Conserve Energy – designed to use less energy used by other products

Renewably Powered – designed to work without relying on an electric connection or disposable batteries

Made With Renewable Energy – manufactured using either solar, wind, geothermal or fuel cell energy

Carbon-Balanced – all or part of the carbon dioxide emissions have been calculated and offset with credible carbon offsets

Use Safer Chemicals/Avoid Exposure

Reduced Harsh Chemicals – made with fewer harsh chemicals, or safer chemicals than typical alternatives

Chlorine Free – unbleached or bleached with Process Chlorine Free (PCF) or Total Chlorine Free (TCF) methods

Plant-Based/Biobased Materials – made using tree-free agricultural products or by-products

Biodegradable In Water – safely breaks down in freshwater or marine environments after use